Friday, February 17, 2017

Benefits of Hemp Seed Oil for Hair, Skin & Nails 

Benefits of Hemp Seed Oil for Hair, Skin & Nails 

Because of hemp’s antioxidant properties, it reduces free radicals in your body and slows down the aging process. Regular use of hemp-based skincare and beauty products can reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines in your face and body.

Hair, skin, and nails are all formed from the same line of dermal cells, so it is no surprise that people who use hemp oil report thicker and shinier hair, softer skin, and stronger nails. Since hemp seed oil is nearly identical to our own lipids, it is capable of penetrating our cells and lubricating the surfaces between them. It is used to nourish not only dry skin but blotches and lesions as well. It can detoxify the skin and even out skin tone. You can safely use hemp oil as a skin moisturizer without worry of it clogging the pores.

Hair care products containing hemp are ideal for those who are suffering from hair loss. Its omega 3 and 6 fatty acid content can stimulate hair growth. 90% of your hair is made up of a protein known as keratin, which hemp can supplement to boost healthy hair growth. In addition, hemp also improves blood circulation in the scalp so that follicles remain nourished to support new hair growth.
In addition, hemp seed oil also acts as a good natural moisturizer and can dramatically reduce visible signs of dry skin while providing nourishment from the inside out.

Find Hemp Oil in Taza Shampoo, Conditioner & Body Washes:


Thursday, February 16, 2017

4 Easy Steps to Get Gorgeous Skin

4 Easy Steps to Get Gorgeous Skin

1.  The first step you should do, both morning and night, is to use natural soap or cleanser...using a natural product benefits your skin inside and out. Looks for products with Healthy Oils: despite common belief – oil is actually an important ingredient in soap. Added oils like coconut oil which delays the appearance of wrinkles and helps with various skin conditions like psoriasis and dermatitis, olive oil which is high in antioxidants, including vitamin E, excellent for sensitive skin, hemp oil helps reverse the signs of aging!...many of these exotic oils help to nourish and moisturize skin and bring it back to its natural PH levels.

2.  The second step you should invest your time and effort into is to to use a Toner for you face.  This also should be done both morning and night and it is very important that you do this after cleansing. Keep it natural, look for ingredients like Cucumber Extract as it tightens pores and gives you a glowing complexion.

3.  The third step is to exfoliate.What is exfoliation?

Exfoliation is removing the dead cells from the layers of your skin to reveal the live cells beneath.
Why do you need to do it?
There are several benefits to exfoliation.
 -Removing dead cells allows fresh live cells to surface giving the skin back a healthy glow.
 -Dead cells are dead, and cannot be brought back to life. Products wet down these cells and dry back out.

-Removing the dead cells allows products to nourish the live cell.
 -Dead cells block off the oxygen to the skin, making it dull, and unable to breathe.  This also contributes to pores filling up and causing breakouts.

Scrub are a great way to achieve glowing skin. Do this once or twice a week. Salt the scrubs are great for the body, as they contain many vitamins and minerals to detox, with he added bonus of all the skin nourishing oils like Coconut and Shea. There are many different options for the face, but salt is much too strong, look for apricot, walnut, jojoba seeds, or even microdermabrasion creams.Always moisturize afterwards. This is super important step to achieving gorgeous skin.


4.  The final step is to moisturize.  Moisturizers are proven to help treat dry, damaged skin and improve skin texture. Maintaining a good moisturizing regimen will make you more comfortable, and it will also make you look better because, let's face it, nobody looks their best with skin that is dry and flaky.

If you follow the above steps you are guaranteed to have beautiful skin. It may require some time and effort to do all the steps, but it will certainly pay off as your skin will look amazing!